Embrace the Unknown

A Creative Entrepreneur’s Journey to Finding Purpose and Passion

As an entrepreneur and creative professional before that, I've spent the last fifteen years helping clients bring their visions to life. It's been a rewarding career, but last year, I started to come to a realization: I needed to let go.

Letting go is a powerful thing. It's not easy, but it's necessary if we want to grow and evolve as individuals. I started practicing minimalism many years ago. The sensation of weightlessness after letting go of possessions was intoxicating and contagious, especially after years of being a collector of things, like music, movies, books, magazines, and collectibles. For me, letting go professionally meant stepping away from creative client work and finding a new path built on purpose and passion.

It all started when I lost someone very close to me in late 2020. It was a wake-up call, reminding me that life is precious and we only have a limited time to make our mark on the world. I realized that I needed to do something that truly fulfilled me and brought me joy.

Prior to losing my dad, I was traveling the world with my partner. We spent months exploring new cultures and meeting new people in magical places like Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Mexico. It was an eye-opening experience that helped me gain a new perspective on life. I learned that there's so much more to the world than what I had previously known.

Since I left the corporate world in 2016, I began doing deep work on myself. I took time to reflect on my values, my passions, and my purpose. I’ve been working with coaches over the last several years who’ve slowly helped me uncover my true calling and develop a plan to pursue it.

But then, the pandemic hit. It was a challenging time for all of us, including creative business owners, but for me, it was also a time of opportunity. With so much uncertainty in the world, I saw an opportunity to create something new and meaningful.

That's when the breadcrumbs started to appear. Little signs and hints pointed me in the direction of a new direction for my business. It was like the universe was saying, "Hey, this is your chance. Go for it!"

And so, I did. After a lot of deep work, I pivoted my business which had been focused on the tactical side of things with creative work for clients, originally passion-based work I’d been doing for fifteen years as a creative professional and then owner of a creative agency, offering branding, design, photography, and video production. The business shifted to one built on purpose and passion, coaching extraordinary business owners on the grand vision for their inspired businesses so they grow and thrive with intention.

It's been a wild ride, but it's also been incredibly fulfilling. I wake up each day excited to do the work I love, knowing that I'm positively impacting the world with my dear friend and colleague, fellow coach, entrepreneur, and creative (and neurodivergent), Jude Schweppe.

Looking back, I can't help but laugh at how everything unfolded. Who would have thought that losing a loved one, traveling the world, years of deep work and coaching, and a pandemic would lead me to where I am today? Life truly is unpredictable.

But through it all, I've learned that letting go is a powerful thing. When we let go of what no longer serves us, we make room for something better. It takes courage and vulnerability, but it's worth it in the end.

If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your business or career, I encourage you to take a step back and do some deep work on yourself. Explore your passions, your purpose, and your values. Find a coach or mentor who can help guide you on your journey.

And most importantly, be open to the breadcrumbs that life leaves for you. They may lead you down a path you never expected, but one that's filled with purpose and passion.

So, go ahead, let go. Embrace the unknown. Who knows where it might take you?

And, if you’d like to unlock your possibilities together, reach out to Jude or me and we’d be happy to discuss your extraordinary vision on a complimentary discovery call


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